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Teacher seeks exchange in Tanzania

Teacher seeks exchange in Tanzania

 **Title:** Teacher seeks exchange in Tanzania


A teacher in Tanzania is seeking an exchange opportunity with a teacher in either the Manyara or Singida region. The teacher, Samuel Sanare Mathias, currently teaches at Gabimori Secondary School in the Rorya district of the Mara region. He is looking to gain new experiences and perspectives by teaching in a different part of the country.


Sanare has been teaching for 10 years and has a passion for education. He is a strong advocate for quality education for all students, regardless of their background. He believes that an exchange would allow him to learn from other teachers and share his own knowledge and experience.

Sanare is open to teaching any subject at the secondary school level. He is also willing to teach in either English or Swahili. He is available to start the exchange at any time in the 2024-2025 school year.

**Call to action:**

If you are a teacher in the Manyara or Singida region who is interested in an exchange, please contact Sanare at +255 684 049 609.


An exchange would be a great opportunity for Sanare to grow as a teacher and learn more about Tanzania. It would also be a valuable opportunity for the students in the receiving school to learn from a new teacher with a different perspective.


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