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History Bank of questions for o level.

History Bank of questions for o level.


1 .Evaluate six contributions of USA in the process of decolonization in Africa.

2. Account for the failure of agricultural reforms in Africa after the Second World War.

3. Explain six reasons for the rise and consolidation of the African working class movement after 1945

4. Explain six outstanding features of the centralized states in pre-colonial Africa 

5. Examine the major hindrances to development in Tanzania

6. Assess three salient features and three effects of the colonial health services

7. Explain six roles of Islamic religion in the formation of pre –colonial West Africa societies.

8. Why and how USSR support decolonization processes in Africa?

9. Examine the contributions of mfecane war to the states formation in East and central Africa (give six points) 

10. Examine three causes of the rise of pan –African movement and by giving three point show its significance in the rise of nationalism in Africa.

11. Explain six objectives of introducing progressive master farmers in Africa after the Second World War.

12. Analyse three similarities and three differences between African and European feudal systems during the 15thc.

13. Elaborate six factors which hindered the success of the back to African movement 

14. Economic crisis in Tanzania is inevitable justify this statement by giving six points.

15. Analyse six challenges to industrial development in Tanzania.

16. Explain six effects of colonial education in Africa 

17. In six points describe the effects of expanding colonial trade in Africa after 1945.

18. The United Nations played a significant roles towards the development of nationalism and struggle for African independence substantiate this statement in six points 

19. Had it not been the role of capitalist and socialist antagonism, African countries would not have be conscious of their self-rule. In six point argue against this statement.

20. Why Tanzania continued to have modest economic growth in spite of receiving aids from donor countries in the 1970’s? Explain by giving six reasons.

21. The level of development between African and Europe deviated from the 15th c onwards. In six point show the developmental variation which occurred.

22. FRANTZ FANON once remarked that” the colonial state is most violent” in six points justify this statement.

23. With examples, examine the objectives of pre-colonial education in African societies (give six points)

24. Describes six major reasons for the rise of the American black solidarity.

In six point analyse the impacts of industrial backwardness in Tanzania

25. Migrant laborers were preferred by the colonialist than other types of labour. Substantiate this statement by giving six points

26. Analyse the role of Bandung conferences to the development of African nationalism and the struggle for independences

27. Discuss six factors accelerated disparity in development between Africa and Western Europe from the 15th century.

28. Show how the external forces influenced the rise of African nationalism and the struggle for independences after 1945. [Give six points]

29. Discuss important issues which need changes in the 1977 Tanzania constitution for strengthening Tanzania as a democratic society.

30. Explain three prejudices which faced people of African origin in the new world and their three legal struggles brought equal education.

31. The year 1945 was the turning point towards nationalist struggle in Africa. Justify this statement by giving six points.

32. Structural adjustment programme [saps] are among the hurdles to Tanzania social, political and economic development argue for the statement by giving six points.

33. Asses the impacts of the expansion of transport and communication systems in the colonies after 1945 by giving six points.

34. Compare and contrast black solidarity and pan-Africanism [give three similarities and three difference] 

35. Show how the decline of European capitalism accelerated decolonization and explain why USA developed the anti-colonial tradition. Give three points in each part

36. Analyse six challenge of pre-colonies education.

37. In six points, asses the achievements of the pre-colonial African technology.

38. Explain six factors that enabled the European to discover new in 15th century.

39. Agriculture was the backbone of the colonial economy. Justify this statement by giving six points.

40. Examine six features of colonial education.

41. With vivid examples from Tanganyika, describe two agricultural schemes which aimed at controlling soil erosion and examine three achievements of the agricultural schemes which were undertaken in colonies after 1945.

42. Identify six European economic exploitation in Africa which rose people’s desire to terminate colonial rule after the Second World War.

43. In six points, analyse external factors that contributed to the rise of nationalism and the struggle for independence in Tanganyika.

44. Evaluate the success of Arusha declaration programss.

45. With examples, examine the impacts of economic crisis of 1980s in Tanzania.

46. Refute the fallacy that ‘’African societies developed slave mode of production’’. [Give eight points].

47. With six points, how was the colonial state an instrumental organ in the realization of the objectives for the setup of the capitalist relations of production in Africa?

48. With special reference to Tanganyika, show how the colonialist responded to the impact of the capitalist crisis of 1930’s – 1940’s. [Give eight points].

49. Examine the contribution of India and Burma to the development of national in Africa.

50. How the Accra conference of 1958 contributed to the rise of nationalism in Africa. 

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