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Online business that are making billions of money

Online business that are making billions of money

Online business that are making billion of money

(A) Making Money Through Your Blog or Website

Blogs have become a significant source of income for many people nowadays. There are various ways to earn money from a blog, such as:

Selling and promoting regular products, for example, you can sell natural medicines, clothes, beauty products, etc., through your blog.

Placing Google ads, using Google AdSense. If your blog receives a large number of daily visitors, you can sign a contract with Google to place ads, and you get paid when a visitor clicks on the ads after a certain period.

Selling advertising space like newspapers do, where you place an ad and charge a predetermined amount.

The beauty of running a blog is that after writing your content and ensuring thorough research (Search Engine Optimization) SEO, the main work is done by the internet itself since you won't know when or what time visitors will come to your blog.

You'll be surprised at how the number of visitors increases.

Moreover, you can automate your blog further by adding things like an autoresponder or an email list that provides various services to readers and users of your blog, such as downloading free books or receiving articles automatically even when you're occupied with other tasks.

(B) Making Money through YouTube

On the internet, you can also earn a significant income by posting videos on YouTube where viewers open your videos,

YouTube places their ads there and pays you based on how many viewers open and watch those videos.

If you can upload videos that are watched by a large number of people daily, you will earn a substantial amount of money too.

(C) Buying and Selling Blogs Business

You can make a good sum of money by buying and selling blogs that others have already created and have garnered a large audience.

This practice is also common on various social media accounts. For example, in Tanzania, there are people who grow Instagram accounts and then sell them at a high price to other individuals after gaining a large following.

(D) Creating Mobile Apps or Computer Games

Currently, there is a rapidly growing phenomenon that might overshadow many things in the future; 

"Mobile Apps" are applications on modern smartphones.

If you manage to create one that is loved by people, you can sell it worldwide, and then people might start accusing you of engaging in illegal business as they often do when something becomes popular.


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