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                             STUDY QUESTIONS FORM FOUR 2024.

1. What do you understand by the following terms as used in a research report?

         (a) Introduction

        (b)Research methodology 

        (c) Literature review 

        (d) Recommendations 

2. Ms. Joan is a teacher at Mtakuja Secondary School who intends to conduct field research on the impact of settlement growth on Mtakuja Secondary School.

  (a) Identify the steps she would follow to conduct the reaserch.

  (b) Mention at least three advantages of that research to that community and the school. 

  (c) Give five possible challenges to that research.

3. To get solutions to the problems people face in their daily lives pertaining to environmental issues, an expert should conduct a geographic research. With six points, explain the importance of doing that research. 

4. Explain the advantages and challenges of the following research methods: 

     (a) Survey (b) Focus group discussion (c) Interview (d) Observation 

5. Suppose you want to conduct a geographic research on waste management in your society and your interest is to know waste management practices by residents, design a questionnaire which will enable you to get relevant information or data for your research or study. 

6. Why is it necessary for a researcher to consider ethical issues when conducting a geographic research? 

7. Flora is a Form Four student at Airwing Secondary School but her home place is in Mbarali District where she used to observe several conflicts between farmers and pastoralists. One day she heard through the Radio that, a farmer was killed by the pastoralists in her home village. She decided to conduct research about the conflict. Elaborate four possible research tools she would use during data collection.

8. Choose the correct answer among the alternatives provided:

(i) You are asked to help a Form Two student who failed to identify the types of forest found in low temperatures. What type of forest would you suggest among the following?

             (a) Tropical rain forest (b) Equatorial forest (c) Mediterranean forest (d) Coniferous forest (e) Deciduous forest

(ii) Mrs. Joseph had a chance to visit South-East Asia for a study tour and she experienced seasonal reverse of wind in the area. Identify the type of climate in the area. 

        (a) Tropical maritime (b) Tropical continental (c) Equatorial (d) Tropical monsoon (e) Desert

(iii) The Amazon and the Congo basins are regions characterized by the same geographical background to human activities, climate, vegetation, and relief. What could be the general term for these regions?

        (a) Natural vegetation (b) Natural climate region (c) Natural well (d) Natural resources (e) Natural landscape

(iv)One of the following is a set of some factors affecting climate. 

         (a) Ocean currents, altitude, sleet and barometer (b) Distance from the sea, rainfall, clouds cover and latitude (c) Prevailing winds, latitude, rainfall, hygrometer and aspect (d) Altitude, temperature and the Earth's rotation (e) Humidity, dew point, atmospheric pressure, and rain gauge

(v) The tourists reported enjoying the temperature of Ihefu wetlands in Mbeya at 1 500 metres above sea level, which is 32ºC. They also planned to travel from Ihefu to Unguja in Zanzibar, which is at the sea level. What might be the temperature experienced by the tourists in Zanzibar? 

               (a) 23 ºC (b) 0.6 ºC (c) 9 ºC (d) 41 ºC (e) 19 ºC

 9. Mention countries where the following crops are grown-sisal, citrus fruits, and cocoa. 

10. What name would you give to the climate region you live in? Give reasons for your answer. 

11. Why is the climate important to human beings (think of crops, livestock, communication and the distribution of population).

12. With examples, use six points to explain why irrigation is necessary for crop cultivation in some parts of the world. 

13. Climate has led to a significant influence on the current expansion of human activities. Using six points, explain the importance of studying climatic conditions of the world. 

14. Vegetations do not grow well in desert areas because of harsh conditions. With five points, explain how such vegetations adapt to survive in desert. 

15. "Having a good climatic conditions and high fertile soil doesn't necessary mean a better livelihoods for people". Using six points support this statement.

16. Define the following terms: 

       (a) Population (b) Migrant (c) Immigrant (d) Emigrant (e) Pull factors (f) Push factors (g) De facto (h) Sample survey (i) Diaspora

17. "The population distribution in Tanzania is uneven." Elaborate this statement by using five points. 

18. "Migration in a country can be either an asset or liability." Verify this statement by using five points. 

19. "Some societies believe that having a large number of children in a family is a source of labour force." Argue against this statement by using six points.

 20. By using six points, describe how rapid population growth affects the environment of a place. 

21. By using six points, explain why rural-urban migration is strictly discouraged by the Government of Tanzania. 

22. "Ageing population in developed countries is considered as a curse phenomenon." Explain five reasons behind this statement. 

23. Highlight any five population issues affecting the development of any developing country of your choice. 

24. "Migration is caused by both pull-and-push factors." Justify the statement by using six points. 

25. Describe five effects of population change on an individual and the nation. 

26. With five reasons, explain why Dar es Salaam is highly populated in Tanzania?

27. What are the main characteristics of a settlement? 

28. Why do we associate the existing environmental problems with urban growth? 

29. With the aid of relevant examples, describe the political and socio-economic activities taking place in the following regions: 

(a) Dar es Salaam (b) Mwanza (c) Arusha. (d) Dodoma (e) Mbeya

29. Distinguish between urban and rural settlements.

30. Describe the following settlement patterns

 (a) Linear (b) Nucleated (c) Dispersed

31. As a Regional Planning Officer, you have been assigned to analyse the settlement patterns found in your region. With relevant examples, describe the settlement patterns in your region or the region of your choice.

32. Apart from building entertainment centres in rural areas as one of the ways for attracting people to remain there, suggest five ways of solving the existing problems related to urban growth.

33. Identify six cities in Tanzania and describe six functions of settlement for each one of them.

34. "Socio-economic problems and urban population growth are two sides of the same coin." With six points, comment on this statement.

35. Describe the influence of the following factors in the settlement growth: 

(a) Climate (b) Topography (c) Drainage systems (d) Security and defensive sites (e) Soils

36. Assume you are in an urban planning team, how would you advise the Government of Tanzania to overcome the challenges associated with urban growth? Give advice by using at least six points.

37. You have met five Form Two students debating that the current modification of infrastructures in Dar es Salaam is wastage of public funds as long as the capital city is officially in Dodoma. Based on the settlement functions of Dar es Salaam city, explain how you would convince them on the importance of developing its infrastructures.

38. What are the possible five human factors which may influence the development of nucleated settlement pattern?

39. Which of the following are common environmental problems?

 (a) Loss of biodiversity, desertification and climatic change (b) Afforestation, deforestation and desertification (c) Economic activities, agricultural activities and human activities (d) Global warming, afforestation and agricultural activities (e) Desertifi cation, afforestation and manufacturing

40. Identify the atmospheric pollutants among the following gasses.

 (a) Chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide (b) Sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons (c) Carbon tetra chloride, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (d) Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (e) Carbon chloride, carbondioxide and carbon monoxide 

41. Overgrazing in Tanzania can lead to environmental problems. Identify the regions most affected by the problem: 

(a) Dodoma, Arusha and Shinyanga (b) Morogoro, Dar es Salaam and Tanga (c) Mwanza, Singida and Tabora (d) Pwani, Mbeya and Rukwa (e) Manyara, Iringa and Dodoma

42. M r Bakari is a peasant at Ifakara in Morogoro who applies proper methods of farming. Identify some proper methods of farming Mr Bakari uses which suit him: (a) Terracing, overgrazing and contour ploughing (b) Contour ploughing, crop rotation and mulching (c) Recycling, bush fallowing and terracing (d) Terracing, overgrazing and crop rotation (e) Shifting cultivation, terracing and overstocking

43. Which of the following is not an effect of air pollution in urban areas? 

     (a) Acid rain (b) Desertification (c) Soil erosion (d) Deforestation (e) Loss of biodiversity

44. Identify the sources of physical hazards among the following: 

          (a) Pathogenic bacteria (b) Social-cultural practices (c) Solar radiation (d) Skin contact with acids (e) Drug abuse

45. Which among the following atmospheric gases is not one of the greenhouse gases? 

          (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Carbon monoxide (c) Methane (d) Nitrous oxide (e) Chlorofluorocarbons

46. For a person who is storing, supplying and distributing plastic bags in Tanzania, the fine is between: 

(a) TZS 5 000 000 up to TZS 20 000 000, or up to 2 years of imprisonment, or both

 (b) TZS 5 000 000 up to TZS 50 000 000, or up to 2 years of imprisonment, or both

 (c) TZS 20 000 000 up to TZS 1 billion, or up to 2 years of imprisonment, or both (d) TZS 100 000 up to TZS 500 000, or up to 3 months of imprisonment, or both (e) TZS 30 000 up to TZS 200 000, or up to 7 days of imprisonment, or both

47. The people of Tanzania conduct different activities to sustain their socio- economic needs for their daily life. However, some activities have impacts on the environment. With six facts, support this statement.

48. Biodiversity is very important to the environment. Using six points, examine the causes and effects of the loss of biodiversity.

49. Bad smell and hearing impairment nowadays are common problems in society. With six points, explain the causes of these problems.

50. Due to industrial development in Tanzania, environmental pollution is very common. Using five points, explain the impact of environmental pollution.

51. Urbanization and environmental conservation are always incompatible. Justify this statement using six points.

52. “Poverty is one of the major problems facing developing countries”. In the light of this statement, use six points to show the relationship between poverty and the environmental degradation in Tanzania.

53. Currently, the world encounters frequent floods, catastrophic winds and extreme temperature. This means the world climate keeps on changing. Giving six points, explain the causes of climate change.

54. Climate change has never been friendly to the environment. Verify this statement with five points. 

55. As an NEMC Officer, you have been given an opportunity to conduct a seminar with the citizens on environmental pollution and mismanagement. Using six points, explain how you will advise the citizens on different ways for conserving the environment?

56. Plastic wastes pose the biggest threat to water bodies in the world, particularly in the oceans. The United Nations Environment Programme warns that by 2050, we will have more plastics in the oceans than fish if nothing is done to reverse the trend. Using any five points, explain the efforts taken by the Government of Tanzania to manage the plastic waste pollution in the country.

57. “Life is only possible if the balance between the resources available and human population is maintained by all of us. It is high time for humans to come together and work for the betterment of our environment.” Justify this statement by explaining any six consequences of rapid population growth on environment for the sustainable development in our country.

58. “Fossil fuels are both energy resources for economic development and instruments of environmental destruction”. Justify the statement with six points.

59. Explain six problems associated with expansion of cities on environment in Tanzania.


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