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The apps mentioned, Du Booster, Clean Master, and 360 Security, are the most dangerous for the health of your smartphone.

The apps mentioned, Du Booster, Clean Master, and 360 Security, are the most dangerous for the health of your smartphone.

 The apps mentioned, Du Booster, Clean Master, and 360 Security, are the most dangerous for the health of your smartphone.

Du Booster and Clean Master are often promoted as apps that improve the speed of the phone and help in optimizing the battery life, which is not entirely true. Why do I say that?

These apps clear the cache of other apps, which actually slows down the phone instead of speeding it up. Why?

Caches store memory of specific apps to make them load faster when opened again. For example, when Clean Master deletes the cache of the camera app, the camera will take longer to open next time because it needs to re-memorize, leading to a decrease in its operational speed.

It's like someone placing spikes on a path you're used to taking.

This is why Clean Master always finds junk files because you cannot stop apps from creating caches.

Have you ever wondered why these junk files don't disappear even after you delete them?

These apps also clear the RAM, which is not beneficial because Android itself forces certain apps that consume RAM to close, but they will reopen soon since Android has true multitasking. Consequently, these apps keep running all the time and drain your battery.

Moreover, these apps grant themselves permissions that you as a user haven't given them, resembling "malware" behavior, as they can steal your data and perform actions you haven't authorized.

If you are using Android system version 5.0 or later, you don't need these apps because the system itself allows you to optimize your battery in the battery usage settings or use the power saver function.

For those struggling with phone storage, the system has a smart manager that enables you to remove unnecessary items from your phone.

For users with high RAM usage, such as heavy gamers, it is advisable to use Greenify, which works on the hardware level rather than just the software level.



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